Plutocracy Report#

This is an extensive analysis of the top 60 Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), ranked by treasury size to determine the impact of large token holders on their governance.

For this, we create a report based on on-chain data about proposals and voters. This report lists sixty DAOs and assesses their decisiveness of whales_ metric, representing how governance decisions are affected once whale votes are discounted.

Our data sources include DeepDAO and Snapshot, both of which specialize in providing data on DAO governance.

Using this data, we compile two spreadsheets that act as the local database for this analysis. Each spreadsheet contains each voter’s choice and voting power for up to the last one hundred proposals in each DAO. One spreadsheet filters out “whales” which, in the context of this analysis, are voters that have voting power at or above the 95th percentile of voting power for that proposal.

all_organization_proposals = pd.read_csv(
all_organization_proposals_filtered = pd.read_csv(
BadGzipFile                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 all_organization_proposals = pd.read_csv(
      2     "../plutocracy_data/full_report/plutocracy_report.csv.gzip",
      3     engine="c",
      4     low_memory=False,
      5     compression='gzip',
      6 )
      7 all_organization_proposals_filtered = pd.read_csv(
      8     "../plutocracy_data/full_report/plutocracy_report_filtered.csv.gzip",
      9     engine="c",
     10     low_memory=False,
     11     compression='gzip',
     12 )

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/util/, in deprecate_kwarg.<locals>._deprecate_kwarg.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    209     else:
    210         kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 211 return func(*args, **kwargs)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/util/, in deprecate_nonkeyword_arguments.<locals>.decorate.<locals>.wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    325 if len(args) > num_allow_args:
    326     warnings.warn(
    327         msg.format(arguments=_format_argument_list(allow_args)),
    328         FutureWarning,
    329         stacklevel=find_stack_level(),
    330     )
--> 331 return func(*args, **kwargs)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, prefix, mangle_dupe_cols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, encoding_errors, dialect, error_bad_lines, warn_bad_lines, on_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision, storage_options)
    935 kwds_defaults = _refine_defaults_read(
    936     dialect,
    937     delimiter,
    946     defaults={"delimiter": ","},
    947 )
    948 kwds.update(kwds_defaults)
--> 950 return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    602 _validate_names(kwds.get("names", None))
    604 # Create the parser.
--> 605 parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds)
    607 if chunksize or iterator:
    608     return parser

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in TextFileReader.__init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
   1439     self.options["has_index_names"] = kwds["has_index_names"]
   1441 self.handles: IOHandles | None = None
-> 1442 self._engine = self._make_engine(f, self.engine)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in TextFileReader._make_engine(self, f, engine)
   1750     raise ValueError(msg)
   1752 try:
-> 1753     return mapping[engine](f, **self.options)
   1754 except Exception:
   1755     if self.handles is not None:

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/parsers/, in CParserWrapper.__init__(self, src, **kwds)
     76     kwds.pop(key, None)
     78 kwds["dtype"] = ensure_dtype_objs(kwds.get("dtype", None))
---> 79 self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds)
     81 self.unnamed_cols = self._reader.unnamed_cols
     83 # error: Cannot determine type of 'names'

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx:547, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__()

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx:636, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._get_header()

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx:852, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._tokenize_rows()

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx:1965, in pandas._libs.parsers.raise_parser_error()

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/, in DecompressReader.readinto(self, b)
     66 def readinto(self, b):
     67     with memoryview(b) as view, view.cast("B") as byte_view:
---> 68         data =
     69         byte_view[:len(data)] = data
     70     return len(data)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/, in, size)
    484 if self._new_member:
    485     # If the _new_member flag is set, we have to
    486     # jump to the next member, if there is one.
    487     self._init_read()
--> 488     if not self._read_gzip_header():
    489         self._size = self._pos
    490         return b""

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.13/x64/lib/python3.10/, in _GzipReader._read_gzip_header(self)
    433     return False
    435 if magic != b'\037\213':
--> 436     raise BadGzipFile('Not a gzipped file (%r)' % magic)
    438 (method, flag,
    439  self._last_mtime) = struct.unpack("<BBIxx", self._read_exact(8))
    440 if method != 8:

BadGzipFile: Not a gzipped file (b've')
def to_organization_map(flat_organization_dataframe: pd.DataFrame):
    return {
        organization_name: proposal_df
        for organization_name, proposal_df in [
            (str(organization_name), space_proposals)
            for organization_name, space_proposals in flat_organization_dataframe.groupby(

plutocracy_report_data = to_organization_map(all_organization_proposals)
plutocracy_report_data_filtered = to_organization_map(all_organization_proposals_filtered)

We then ask the following question: How many whales have voted up to the last 100 proposals for each of the DAOs we analyzed? Voting power for each of these DAOs varies by the type of voting strategy outlined in their respective Snapshot spaces.

However, to keep this analysis simple, we assume the common erc-20-balance strategy.

# of whales all voters changed outcomes %
1inch Network 26 604 0.00%
Aavegotchi 47 5624 7.14%
Alchemix 49 2212 4.44%
Ampleforth 6 119 6.25%
Angle Protocol 17 475 10.13%
ApeCoin DAO 192 6812 11.59%
BadgerDAO 251 11169 5.26%
Cryptex 4 24 6.25%
Curve Finance 21 285 20.93%
Decentral Games 45 1540 17.17%
Decentraland 58 1665 27.00%
ENS 321 9742 3.57%
Euler 29 782 15.09%
Frax 1 340 4.00%
Gearbox 32 886 0.00%
Gitcoin 191 6309 12.50%
Hector Network 139 6554 5.80%
Hop 30 1506 4.17%
Instadapp 3 75 10.00%
JPEG’d 29 845 7.27%
Klima DAO 140 6503 0.00%
Lido 167 5060 6.00%
Magic Internet Money 56 1676 0.00%
Merit Circle 16 981 0.00%
Metronome DAO 1 9 0.00%
New Order 22 578 2.56%
Nexus Mutual Community Fund 3 198 16.67%
Notional Finance 7 149 0.00%
Pangolin Songbird 5 105 0.00%
Popcorn 8 249 14.29%
Qi Dao | Mai.Finance 51 4112 20.00%
Radiant Capital 244 4783 0.00%
Radicle 18 396 16.67%
Rally 1313 1531 0.00%
Redacted 11 369 15.79%
Rook 12 273 5.41%
Sarcophagus Ambassadors Voting 2 22 13.95%
Silo 8 316 3.23%
Spool DAO 3 57 0.00%
Stargate DAO 2479 65410 5.13%
SuperRare DAO 17 563 0.00%
Synapse Protocol 15 487 0.00%
Uniswap 813 23337 16.25%
Unlock Protocol 5 97 23.08%
Vesta 689 15382 12.50% 6 268 0.00%

Here we see that there are quite a few proposals whose outcomes would’ve changed if whales were not involved, in this analysis, we take a look at some of these cases in Uniswap, Decentraland, Curve Finance and Radicle in particular.

Next, we take a look at how governance decisions are affected once whale votes are discounted. We do so by comparing the scores of each proposal and checking whether the outcome of the proposal is changed when whales are filtered out.

We check whether a proposal’s outcome changes by checking if the largest vote choice score changes after filtering out whales. Specifically, in python we do the following:

has_changed_outcome = not unfiltered_winning_choice_index == filtered_winning_choice_index


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
QmP3H8WGL 0.999959 16362720.863718966 False Add 1bps fee tier (1 tick) Add 1bps fee tier (1 tick)
QmWbgzHJ8 0.999948 19648417.385321181 False Upgrade to Governor Bravo Upgrade to Governor Bravo
QmScNLeaj 0.999946 8358752.921668524 False Upgrade to Governor Bravo Upgrade to Governor Bravo
QmWe6Krc8 0.999944 7055209.905787433 True Approve Deny
0xee48516 0.999941 35237304.209142208 False Yes Yes
Qmeza7Lnz 0.999938 23022301.247915581 False YES YES
QmZcfEhN6 0.999937 11933325.482144641 False Yes Yes
QmUMGd8r2 0.999901 13767227.745737769 False Yes Yes
QmNPvJSYq 0.999895 41169566.753146723 False Yes, it should be lowered Yes, it should be lowered
Qmcs5pAv7 0.999887 6422911.853181399 True No Yes
0x7f196c3 0.999886 13703681.067427346 False Yes Yes
QmVXXEXJJ 0.999882 50067891.984671287 True Yes No
0xab1dbb6 0.999859 15337121.942599889 False Yes Yes
0xe9f8e5d 0.999859 18664764.383657321 False Yes, implement pilot as outlined Yes, implement pilot as outlined
0x4fdc5d5 0.999850 12222188.469121560 False Yes Yes
0xe869bc6 0.999848 44534774.101048380 False Yes Yes
0xd70b3e8 0.999842 16199158.040993454 False Yes Yes
0x2f72d9f 0.999836 18646586.937362343 False Yes Yes
0x729c19f 0.999824 13934462.310817234 False Yes Yes
QmQbcxLpG 0.999816 8010769.102481683 False Yes Yes
0xe6ad203 0.999814 24235309.275069810 False Yes Yes
QmWhemJom 0.999807 8931025.607123053 False Yes Yes
QmcVpxCSk 0.999804 9637142.125859275 False Yes Yes
0xe523d31 0.999803 22439325.860326745 False Yes - Deploy Uniswap v3 to Boba Yes - Deploy Uniswap v3 to Boba
QmV8ZeseH 0.999798 11620997.175415434 False YES YES
0xc1aec11 0.999789 19926659.191040918 False Yes Yes
Qmehop1NN 0.999785 38647765.714759313 False FOR Uniswap v3 on Arbitrum FOR Uniswap v3 on Arbitrum
QmZ2D27uo 0.999780 9030399.369920954 False Yes Yes
QmUrYMZrS 0.999779 4220395.763432598 True NO YES
QmaG6nJYW 0.999774 8327675.403180372 False Yes Yes
QmRKyYeGR 0.999770 2726100.621835153 True No, should not move Yes, should move
0xb328c75 0.999769 7015899.387141671 False Yes Yes
0x92a16fb 0.999757 9127224.521219300 False Yes Yes
0x5387b07 0.999747 14642047.224558923 False Yes - Deploy Uniswap v3 to Boba Yes - Deploy Uniswap v3 to Boba
0xbfeb7f3 0.999734 3285291.299983168 False Yes Yes
QmaUPBYqk 0.999715 55857250.637999415 False Allocate 1M UNI Allocate 1M UNI
0xe377d2b 0.999712 14763310.801667999 False Yes Yes
0xa5b0e54 0.999708 7519485.867417761 False Yes Yes
0xa4a21c8 0.999674 19840363.162523411 False Yes Yes
0xa3c7247 0.999561 24994560.158377878 False Yes Yes
QmTj8EWNT 0.999513 4242142.053689615 False Don't (Wrong answer) Don't (Wrong answer)
QmbVVJ57N 0.999510 2514956.562557480 False Yes, Approve the Grant Yes, Approve the Grant
0x85a309c 0.999488 2507559.579266101 False Yes Yes
0x8db4528 0.999370 5722321.782621147 True 3 Phases [50k/2w, 100k/3w, 650k] 2 Phases - 1 [2 week Phase 1]
0x47a6eed 0.999368 7788690.570368258 False Yes Yes
0x255d433 0.999367 5723290.905228001 True WETH/USDC, WETH/DAI, USDC/DAI WETH/USDC, WETH/DAI, WETH/OP
0x4dd49ee 0.999360 3530561.110063882 False Yes Yes
QmaKjvEAU 0.999343 16988963.140918855 False Yes, I support this proposal Yes, I support this proposal
0xfb9841f 0.999255 2723692.236874293 False support support
0x1bf2c3f 0.999121 3642461.395323989 False Yes Yes
0x1994d45 0.998872 3023008.061901242 False NO NO
QmYeNLn1x 0.998312 212333.479358470 False 800k+ (1M $UNI loan) 800k+ (1M $UNI loan)
QmTyWBn3P 0.997892 216752.112737119 True Let delegates RUN UNI governance YES, ABOLISH delegates
0xfd3d380 0.997435 2728492.255083876 True add DeFiEdge add Overnight Finance
0x4f42b32 0.997428 235813.246213794 False Yes Yes
QmTksCuBh 0.997185 218831.635777397 True No Yes; Merge Grants and UNI DAO
QmRKpArEN 0.997182 233750.104214328 False Approve Approve
QmVnsMXvS 0.995571 220733.714634859 False Yes, lets do it! Yes, lets do it!
QmXDNKm4f 0.994567 200162.693578354 False Pass Temperature Check Pass Temperature Check
0x9238864 0.993021 234478.150056493 True No Yes
QmX6y6Koq 0.990544 224976.769490073 False Yes, allocate funding to Geth Yes, allocate funding to Geth
0x3447c5c 0.981407 1045945.183786833 False Yes Yes
QmcpJ8Qm9 0.976091 10030.326504541 False Yes, Bring V3 to AVAX Yes, Bring V3 to AVAX
QmcZGhUoT 0.971837 1582855.010871270 True Yes, I support this proposal No, I don't support this proposal
QmZUeeJEo 0.966437 21964.985511550 False Yes Yes
Qma8KF8jT 0.964344 33977.769988869 False No No
Qme9MASbu 0.952969 20761.155305590 True Do Not Proceed Proceed to Consensus Check
0xe3d59b3 0.929699 10113.681932157 False Yes, grant the license. Yes, grant the license.
QmWbGN8xa 0.916154 5319.160673144 False YES, allocate 500k UNI to CHF YES, allocate 500k UNI to CHF
0x6b8df36 0.887264 45581689.082320422 False Wormhole Wormhole
QmPe3FKu4 0.883541 8887.233926775 False Leave it unchanged Leave it unchanged
0xa474047 0.877300 28595773.702590238 False Yes Yes
0x5ad7208 0.779724 11575893.085716436 False Yes Yes
0x31c3409 0.767515 12950287.668343492 False Yes - Fix the bridge Yes - Fix the bridge
0x9db793d 0.738536 24692.433422367 False Yes Yes
0xbadf3b3 0.669274 22749950.705232158 False Doo Wan Nam (StableLab) Doo Wan Nam (StableLab)
QmShiKX75 0.658256 1170.465162005 False 0 0
0x374d7f9 0.544205 32011.083070674 False Yes Yes
0x387b5e8 0.497340 61343398.710826278 False Yes - Enact changes Yes - Enact changes
0x15031b6 0.408376 38105686.407799788 False For For

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

16.25% of Uniswap's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

Proposal Analysis#

The outcome of the proposal to add a Liquidity Mining Manager (LMM) for the Optimism-Uniswap Liquidity Mining Program changes after removing whales.

If not for whale intervention, “Overnight Finance” would have been chosen as the LMM. Instead, “DeFiEdge” was selected. From the data, we see that without whale intervention, DeFiEdge would’ve had ~2,708,025 fewer votes out of the total ~2,728,492 voting power on this proposal. That is ~99.3% of voting power allocated for this proposal directed to choosing “DeFiEdge”.

add Overnight Finance add DeFiEdge add none
Scores 14335.930887 2.710600e+06 3556.089173
Score Differences 10054.585076 2.708025e+06 3412.851497

One highly contentious proposal whose outcome did not change after filtering out whales was this temperature check to choose which Eth <> BNB bridge to use for Uniswap v3 governance. We see that even for the least popular choices, whales still contributed to the majority of the votes. LayerZero”, the runner-up, received ~37.7% of the total whale voting power. By comparison, “Wormhole” received ~51.1%.

Wormhole LayerZero Celer deBridge
Scores 2.840391e+07 1.717334e+07 662.606204 3772.802474
Score Differences 2.327546e+07 1.716363e+07 481.545728 3402.436704


Filtered Proposal Outcome Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x41b3509 0.998301 1.670185e+06 False For For
0xd7eff78 0.998220 1.670154e+06 False For For
0x5788bf0 0.998020 1.671687e+06 False For For
0xa245dc7 0.998011 2.282886e+06 False slobo.eth slobo.eth
0xa714c25 0.997780 2.299997e+06 False avsa.eth avsa.eth
0xdaff050 0.997736 2.325021e+06 False nick.eth nick.eth
0x5c96e49 0.994136 2.126140e+06 False For For
0x46c7294 0.993740 2.137811e+06 False For For
0x4a1aedb 0.993403 2.639657e+06 False For For
0x9726578 0.991728 2.363679e+06 False For For
0x718c496 0.988244 1.683490e+06 False For For
0xa64ec8b 0.978053 2.292065e+06 False For For
0xe040bda 0.975748 3.251461e+06 False For For
0xc7186cf 0.970687 3.252712e+06 False For For
0xe072841 0.968392 3.159857e+06 False For For
0x104eb11 0.961057 3.147196e+06 False For For
0x9ab53c7 0.947091 3.409430e+06 False For For
0xfe73d1b 0.941857 4.856110e+06 False 1. Transfer Treasury 1. Transfer Treasury
0xcf77c74 0.937273 3.715838e+06 False For For
0x899ead1 0.935344 4.482091e+06 False For For
0xf854140 0.907811 3.666651e+06 False For For
0xdf7e59e 0.842216 3.438033e+06 False For For
0xa9a2dc5 0.840469 3.653722e+06 True Against For
0x29040b3 0.820337 3.214912e+06 False For For
0x8b68ebc 0.817037 3.710505e+06 False For For
0x8c05add 0.814637 3.527042e+06 False For For
0x90a5f88 0.807831 3.441913e+06 False For For
0xd810c4c 0.010559 1.610281e+07 False Ratify Article I Ratify Article I

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

3.57% of ENS' proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposal Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x3b1e5f9 0.999968 5.518937e+07 False For For
0x1db8052 0.999959 5.542913e+07 False For For
0x1454174 0.999956 6.425261e+07 False For For
0x7ac2431 0.999945 5.769020e+07 False For For
0xf4beaba 0.999944 6.042543e+07 False For For
0x629b547 0.999936 5.200775e+07 False Support the upgrade plan Support the upgrade plan
0x8bbd48f 0.999936 3.686686e+07 False For For
0x32f6f09 0.999934 5.717509e+07 False For For
0x4208b8d 0.999933 4.558269e+07 False For For
0x3436b98 0.999932 5.717666e+07 False For For
0x7f19fed 0.999930 5.455752e+07 False YAY YAY
0xe964fb2 0.999927 5.582318e+07 False Shut down on Terra Classic&bETH Shut down on Terra Classic&bETH
0xc00b482 0.999917 5.311034e+07 False For For
0x9d39cc7 0.999909 6.413642e+07 False For For
0x5844beb 0.999905 6.416467e+07 False For For
0xf2d6161 0.999895 6.650449e+07 False For For
0xcbf5343 0.999891 5.282637e+07 True 2. For 4 new oracles, 5/9 set 1. For 6 new oracles, 6/11 set
0x57c8e10 0.999881 6.414131e+07 False For For
0xb2732eb 0.999875 3.898268e+07 False For For
0xeeadc3b 0.999867 6.139175e+07 False For For
0xbb5c7f1 0.999863 3.846066e+07 False Upgrade to V2 Upgrade to V2
0xa2cd540 0.999862 6.486667e+07 False For For
0xa3995b1 0.999817 4.763423e+07 False For For
0xfc51ff5 0.999813 6.096729e+07 False Yes Yes
0xa7a8d9f 0.999813 5.805418e+07 False For For
0x3fdb38c 0.999796 3.955494e+07 False For For
0xb932357 0.999748 3.304238e+07 False For For
0x0572828 0.999745 7.345635e+07 False For For
0xd9d13bb 0.999743 5.402410e+07 False For For
0x933548c 0.999732 5.489371e+07 False For For
0x54677d5 0.999732 5.225054e+07 False For For
0xce01f9f 0.999731 5.058910e+07 False For For
0x2b368b5 0.999730 6.586250e+07 False Yay Yay
0x7b93fb4 0.999709 5.550059e+07 False Yes Yes
0x75e91a2 0.999707 5.355622e+07 False For For
0xb99f87e 0.999700 6.066185e+07 False Yes, redirect Yes, redirect
0x1a7b390 0.999674 5.423975e+07 False Yes Yes
0x1ebfab7 0.999648 6.075986e+07 False Yes Yes
0x7ea98c8 0.999633 5.762653e+07 False Yes, reduce to 0.25% Yes, reduce to 0.25%
0x2a84159 0.999515 6.091583e+07 False Yay - Execute proposal as stated Yay - Execute proposal as stated
0x4cba967 0.999200 5.185114e+07 False For For
0xbfc4ba2 0.998976 7.043068e+07 False Yay Yay
QmQb8GJQS 0.997952 2.009745e+07 False For For
0x37f68ad 0.997760 6.569920e+07 False Yes Yes
0xdeb8cd8 0.997584 2.347019e+07 False For For
0xede83ac 0.996407 6.389112e+07 True No-Proposal needs more work For-Keep as listed, 1 yr lock up
0x865212c 0.996059 5.739550e+07 False No relaunch No relaunch
0xcb31f1b 0.994721 4.209028e+06 False Yes Yes
0x1d15b30 0.993777 5.713888e+07 False For For
0x10abedc 0.968318 8.064956e+07 False no, don't self-limit no, don't self-limit
0x6f3b01c 0.963331 6.229424e+07 False For For
0xcc51ade 0.960076 5.728715e+07 False For For
0xfe5b203 0.946602 2.875372e+07 True Yay Nay
0x2a75340 0.930455 5.666907e+07 False Yes Yes
0xb60854f 0.921126 6.514850e+07 False For For
0xb2f8744 0.908849 7.634275e+07 False For For
QmeMCHLW9 0.899226 2.782706e+07 False For For
QmdAhSmvu 0.860502 6.972674e+07 False Switch to Whitelist Mode Switch to Whitelist Mode
QmVPGX8Nm 0.860452 6.973082e+07 False Bind Referral Reward to 1% Bind Referral Reward to 1%
0xe2165bb 0.850208 8.951692e+07 False Yes Yes
0xd8c1630 0.827364 8.593316e+07 True Shortlist B Shortlist A
0x2633cda 0.798895 5.008166e+07 False Yes, increase duration to 72h Yes, increase duration to 72h
0xcf2955a 0.797578 2.508846e+07 False For For
Qmd5qHe17 0.788038 5.077165e+07 False For For
0x4fee244 0.775949 4.857023e+07 False For For
0x84fe093 0.732077 7.885513e+07 False For For
0xd30925a 0.727696 4.062134e+07 False For For
0xe1a2d8e 0.727620 5.493252e+07 False For For
0x12d7509 0.698073 8.596517e+07 False For For
0xefb45e5 0.696684 5.025232e+07 False Yay Yay
0xa52dd8b 0.682341 2.169025e+03 False Creator is the most handsome guy Creator is the most handsome guy
0x203da3e 0.673573 9.378694e+02 False yes! yes!
0xd2c98b2 0.631332 6.332638e+07 False For For
0x008ce8f 0.627804 6.368231e+07 False Yes Yes
0x84c06c8 0.620529 2.922175e+03 False YES YES
0x7e5fdcd 0.614009 6.516193e+07 False For For
0xfc66019 0.609956 9.572814e+07 False For For
QmbcfD7SG 0.600339 5.831704e+07 False Yes, distribute LDO Yes, distribute LDO
0xb9e4f39 0.589442 6.787772e+07 False Yay Yay
0xe565ad2 0.585574 6.832610e+07 False Create the reWARDS committee Create the reWARDS committee
0xc9c65d5 0.581148 1.812381e+03 False yes yes
QmXGtNCDe 0.580177 6.894446e+07 False Yes Yes
0x17d9933 0.567022 9.299109e+07 False No No
0x7129199 0.552616 7.240105e+07 False For For
0x13bb40e 0.552394 7.243019e+07 False For For
QmQUPnpn4 0.511001 7.827777e+07 False Fund Execution Client Grant Fund Execution Client Grant
0xdc0f4bb 0.500192 7.998928e+07 False For For
0x8b44690 0.492962 4.051025e+07 False For For
0x45599fc 0.492519 8.123543e+07 False For For
QmbTZ1Gyp 0.468110 8.547145e+07 True Terms as in the round 30% discount from 30-day TWAP
0x48b20ce 0.466578 8.568764e+07 False yay yay
0xf02f41d 0.418526 9.559741e+07 False For For
0x75b331e 0.399377 5.010304e+07 False For For
0xdcdc5c5 0.393890 5.080094e+07 False Yes Yes
0x61ea645 0.393755 5.081845e+07 False Create the proposed Committee Create the proposed Committee
0xb58a8c3 0.389974 5.131116e+07 False For For
QmYJX7SNT 0.372583 4.755448e+07 True Allow purchase, terms tbd Allow purchase, old price
QmSHZnLYb 0.282521 7.079114e+07 False Yay Yay
0x8f72a00 0.255698 7.825624e+07 False For For
0x9ccbe43 0.255118 7.843444e+07 False For For

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

6.00% of Lido's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

This proposal to expand the oracle set and quorum of Lido DAO oracle node operators was passed on 16/12/22, onboarded 4 new oracle node operators, and set the quorum to 5/9 identical oracle reports to be accepted by the protocol.

Had whales not intervened, Option 1 to onboard 6 additional oracles and set the quorum to 6/11, would’ve passed.

1. For 6 new oracles, 6/11 set 2. For 4 new oracles, 5/9 set 3. Against
Scores 96886.616711 5.272470e+07 4778.954352
Score Differences 92934.922644 5.272312e+07 4535.772055

Here we see whale participation was consistent for all choices for this proposal. In fact, ~99.982% of voting power allocated to this proposal came from whales that voted for each of the outcomes. The second outcome alone had ~99.980% of the voting power allocated to this proposal and so removing it would make a huge impression on the outcome.

Voting power allocated to this proposal would be low without whale intervention: (only ~9277.7397 LDO would be allocated to this proposal). However, the community would still vote for adding more oracles that broadcasts the chain state from the beacon chain to the execution layer of ETH 2.0.


Filtered Proposal Outcome Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x9547dee 0.999550 2.659437e+07 False For For
0x6f45c4a 0.998815 2.634672e+07 True Against For
0xc44bf39 0.997379 2.715716e+07 False For For
0x5d2e624 0.997305 2.715915e+07 False For For
0x4540ed6 0.996720 2.717503e+07 False For For
0x97d007a 0.992491 2.676523e+07 False For For
0x6fc17d9 0.991518 3.633629e+07 False For For
0x1127ca8 0.985974 3.375063e+07 False For For
0x1c844e1 0.984243 3.377246e+07 False For For
0x8f497b3 0.983152 2.775706e+07 False For For
0xdf76858 0.981453 2.723198e+07 False For For
0xd7271b0 0.980319 3.099628e+07 False For For
0x52d8c99 0.980156 3.097254e+07 False For For
0x9464dc7 0.975705 2.706107e+07 False For For
0x27a9a66 0.975061 2.724372e+07 False For For
0x3f15e06 0.973487 3.121387e+07 False For For
0xa32b8a6 0.973075 3.122714e+07 False For For
0x28a0f9f 0.973058 3.122766e+07 False For For
0x8d97adf 0.973052 3.367703e+07 False For For
0x08c3ef9 0.972112 3.128831e+07 False For For
0xd84ed93 0.971413 3.128046e+07 False For For
0x08fe38d 0.971345 3.128267e+07 False For For
0xb9fe6ef 0.971303 3.128393e+07 False For For
0x32da9f3 0.971303 3.128396e+07 False For For
0xcbee9b4 0.968719 2.771878e+07 False For For
0x24fbae4 0.965137 3.388863e+07 False For For
0x8ec7477 0.963140 2.772133e+07 False For For
0xaec7653 0.962948 3.446803e+07 False For For
0x2068842 0.960260 3.321055e+07 False For For
0xb712a88 0.956775 3.506951e+07 False For For
0x93f1ba1 0.954494 3.515335e+07 False For For
0xe061287 0.954447 3.182508e+07 False For For
0xa688bcc 0.952812 3.760456e+07 True Against For
0x97b89ad 0.952690 3.423943e+07 False For For
0x6b79deb 0.952023 3.426342e+07 False For For
0x87a34f3 0.947601 3.079730e+07 True Against For
0x3f1e449 0.946589 2.872162e+07 False For For
0xec593d6 0.944057 3.028258e+07 False For For
0xec0f840 0.944056 3.028263e+07 False For For
0xabcbe9d 0.944025 3.028358e+07 False For For
0xc41bc22 0.943227 3.030931e+07 False For For
0x277bc98 0.943203 2.794026e+07 False For For
0x42717a0 0.942550 3.531891e+07 False For For
0x6118caf 0.939711 3.105580e+07 False For For
0x889caff 0.929959 3.074171e+07 False For For
0x9727168 0.922092 1.035478e+06 True For Against
0x35e2b73 0.919923 2.864352e+07 False For For
0x4c4ad06 0.912745 5.256330e+05 False For For
0xc807249 0.912573 3.328164e+07 False Against Against
0xd7a869e 0.911208 1.829533e+05 False For For
0x665aed0 0.907951 4.028735e+07 False For For
0xeccc46c 0.904314 3.606424e+07 False For For
0xb2c5a0a 0.900741 3.376753e+07 False For For
0x85f899b 0.900493 3.377991e+07 False For For
0xaa0c47e 0.899675 3.381082e+07 False For For
0x0117a21 0.897370 3.637444e+07 False For For
0xa064875 0.891500 3.658266e+07 False For For
0xd5b4f9a 0.889500 6.833075e+05 False For For
0x68920a1 0.884550 3.684875e+07 False For For
0xa2fad6f 0.884440 3.685306e+07 False For For
0x0f0fb69 0.883267 3.690210e+07 False For For
0xc4257d3 0.883254 3.690264e+07 False For For
0x8fedeab 0.883226 3.690374e+07 False For For
0x4837509 0.882232 1.121202e+07 False For For
0x6208d2b 0.882004 3.695480e+07 False For For
0xca4f422 0.880536 3.701636e+07 False For For
0x1272233 0.879926 4.136920e+07 False For For
0x29a57f4 0.879423 3.445379e+07 False For For
0x7e97352 0.868248 3.786659e+07 False For For
0x3b781b7 0.862769 4.240876e+07 False For For
0x3b1509f 0.848780 3.567393e+07 False For For
0x6d43531 0.839944 4.265763e+07 False For For
0xb69cd11 0.832465 3.642858e+07 False Against Against
0x05888e1 0.827736 7.342978e+05 False For For
0x40e711b 0.820354 3.995442e+07 False For For
0x0f3db37 0.817190 4.728801e+05 False For For
0x02aa360 0.812537 4.011643e+07 False For For
0x9cc997c 0.811329 4.017614e+07 False For For
0x0cb2554 0.810124 4.045901e+07 False For For
0x68c141f 0.809590 4.048562e+07 False For For
0xe53269e 0.809403 4.027181e+07 False For For
0x30f07ad 0.808314 1.172363e+07 False For For
0xd76e874 0.803398 4.152189e+07 False For For
0xdee388a 0.797037 4.185326e+07 False For For
0x163e893 0.794475 4.198829e+07 False For For
0xe6a925a 0.791819 4.550032e+07 False For For
0xece8d5b 0.787636 1.172910e+07 False For For
0x377b422 0.786259 4.172222e+07 False For For
0x175b23d 0.771147 4.732757e+07 False Against Against
0x964f7cd 0.758016 3.476156e+07 False For For
0xa2f245f 0.757743 3.477402e+07 False For For
0xdeef820 0.697964 5.607296e+07 False For For
0x8b2ac1a 0.684133 8.648384e+06 False For For
0xb44b7c9 0.682236 1.494912e+06 False For For
0xaeb2f47 0.678335 9.892088e+06 False Against Against
0xda26f18 0.646389 1.887457e+04 False For For
0x5e1010a 0.645822 1.644621e+07 False For For
0xebb6ece 0.643637 1.978669e+07 False For For
0xd1153d6 0.543767 6.075771e+07 False For For
0xa8a6c01 0.530928 8.269351e+06 False For For

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

4.00% of Frax's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Let’s now look at Decentraland, where the largest holders regularly participate in governance and dominate voting.

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x8b84875 0.999486 4.883961e+06 True no you can forget about it matey yes I want someone to pick this up down the line
0x7a6a819 0.999382 5.481279e+06 False yes yes
0x187559b 0.999296 5.161839e+06 False yes yes
0x8668746 0.999199 5.172165e+06 True yes no
0x4913bba 0.998996 7.775241e+06 False This is a good idea This is a good idea
0x3262d5a 0.998879 4.874952e+06 False no no
0xdfc9d87 0.998616 1.130732e+06 True no yes
0x768ee01 0.998182 5.183137e+06 True yes no
0xd28d40b 0.998069 5.142210e+06 False No No
0x7f6fed8 0.997541 1.562949e+06 True No Yes
0x8695fcb 0.997126 4.667022e+06 False NO NO
0x7acae7a 0.997036 1.490176e+07 True yes no
0x24be3be 0.996602 1.143345e+07 False yes yes
0x4f1ef94 0.996431 9.084665e+06 False yes yes
0x5312e06 0.996142 5.259879e+06 False No No
0x9b79389 0.996054 4.281751e+05 False We should diversify the DAO's treasury We should diversify the DAO's treasury
0xc2d2d66 0.996044 3.084564e+06 True no yes
0x526eab1 0.996023 7.018896e+06 True no yes
0x556aa1d 0.995850 5.645213e+06 True No Yes
0x029f48d 0.995757 4.640513e+06 False yes yes
0x29fa106 0.995692 5.846431e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0x79b68a7 0.995680 1.237048e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0x21d3a65 0.995598 1.016676e+06 True No Yes
0x96c08fa 0.995577 8.184531e+05 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0xbddb5c2 0.994978 9.745293e+06 False yes yes
0xe353e78 0.994819 2.809573e+06 True Invalid question/options Community Feedback
0xdbe9b2d 0.994245 9.816297e+06 False yes yes
0x16fa265 0.994236 1.342768e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0xc7ca021 0.994226 1.102576e+07 False yes yes
0x9f99e7d 0.994155 6.376865e+06 False No No
0x7f974b2 0.993880 2.592491e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0xbf2891a 0.993058 3.682791e+06 False yes yes
0x616af9c 0.992889 4.990964e+06 False yes yes
0xd09e0d5 0.992869 5.844858e+06 True yes no
0xb3279d2 0.992750 4.978812e+06 True Invalid question/options No
0x387ab2c 0.992541 6.598490e+06 True No Yes
0x26297f8 0.992255 5.881524e+06 False yes yes
0x91d5f87 0.991064 1.740268e+06 False No No
0x649126a 0.990170 6.987182e+06 False yes yes
0xa71b13c 0.990142 2.112917e+06 False no no
0x0bc7d2b 0.989643 8.394869e+06 True Yes, implement term limits Invalid question/options
0x2a77b68 0.988991 5.428652e+06 True No Yes, 50% Grant VP Limit and 80% General VP Limit
0xc4b4236 0.988763 5.827740e+06 True yes no
0x247c083 0.988746 4.860784e+06 False yes yes
0x6e5a575 0.988385 5.742171e+06 False yes yes
0x952b228 0.988272 6.309580e+06 True no yes
0x57b9a3c 0.987948 1.122800e+06 False no no
0xd197534 0.987531 8.784651e+05 False yes yes
0x91299fe 0.987246 5.444596e+06 False yes yes
0xf574f75 0.986932 2.093935e+06 False yes yes
0x3f2a8be 0.985718 1.049224e+07 False Yes Yes
0xbedf554 0.985203 1.844298e+07 True yes no
0x1f63abb 0.984902 7.800439e+06 False yes yes
0x67134f7 0.984805 7.017242e+06 False Yes Yes
0x714d66a 0.984570 2.184583e+06 False yes yes
0xe126f25 0.984246 9.704957e+06 True no yes
0x6f5a95f 0.983940 2.143802e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0x27e6375 0.983238 5.036439e+06 False no no
0x3172780 0.982403 7.363167e+06 False yes yes
0xf419611 0.981970 4.862469e+06 False yes yes
0x8036c67 0.981241 1.109863e+07 False yes yes
0x871079e 0.979329 6.318864e+05 False Meet and vote for the candidates: Meet and vote for the candidates:
0xd17c7ba 0.977996 3.369919e+06 False No No
0xcfa9ae3 0.977532 7.456233e+05 False yes yes
0xefc628b 0.976583 1.036405e+07 False yes yes
0xe4389fd 0.975917 7.158903e+06 False yes yes
0x58d86ce 0.973151 1.403060e+06 False Invalid question/options Invalid question/options
0x0909d45 0.973146 1.048035e+07 True No limit 20%
0x8c7cae1 0.972334 3.276169e+06 False yes yes
0x0278654 0.972144 3.188500e+06 False Unban Unban
0xdcf2fe1 0.971427 1.961732e+06 False Yes Yes
0x6576a4e 0.970194 1.563285e+06 True Invalid question/options Unban
0x36869ff 0.970038 7.566330e+05 True yes no
0x2f512a9 0.969403 5.933537e+06 False yes yes
0xea65740 0.968359 1.783089e+06 False yes yes
0x5180e81 0.964883 1.377355e+06 False Grant Revocations Committee Grant Revocations Committee
0x42422eb 0.963504 3.385513e+06 False yes yes
0xc84475a 0.962469 7.071364e+06 True No Yes
0x73fa3d2 0.962396 6.437215e+06 False yes yes
0x5203521 0.959934 1.997165e+05 False We should diversify the DAO's treasury We should diversify the DAO's treasury
0x4d2a825 0.957120 1.724953e+06 False no no
0x105e115 0.954372 9.925258e+06 True Tobik Szjanko
0x4744425 0.949534 1.881649e+06 False yes yes
0x2ee03d9 0.949496 6.937624e+06 False Yes Yes
0x41f4457 0.949472 3.156775e+06 False yes yes
0xffae5e5 0.949238 4.665018e+06 False Add 100 VP Requirement for Grant Requests Add 100 VP Requirement for Grant Requests
0x69a068d 0.942257 1.563984e+06 False Add color picker for Avatar skin Add color picker for Avatar skin
0x0a581f2 0.941688 5.040202e+06 False yes yes
0x0d40c79 0.939711 2.095088e+07 True Do not include Worlds in Places or Events Include Worlds in Places and Events
0x7924927 0.938650 2.069344e+06 False yes yes
0xc6247d2 0.933288 5.359861e+06 False no no
0xbb1e73a 0.928581 4.535509e+06 False yes yes
0x84e766e 0.922650 5.613714e+06 False no no
0x345b01d 0.920157 2.263006e+06 False yes yes
0x812ebcf 0.913018 7.437318e+06 False yes yes
0xdce2b64 0.908102 3.282099e+06 False Yes Yes
0xfad0ce3 0.902094 9.333255e+04 False yes, introduce a paid pre-check yes, introduce a paid pre-check
0xf8d2a38 0.889121 2.910621e+06 False Yes Yes
0x1c2b664 0.865817 2.591663e+06 False yes yes
0xb4a5a71 0.729765 7.191009e+04 True Buy back price formula Do not buy LAND

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

27.00% of Decentraland's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

For example, this proposal to set a duration period for the tenure of Decentraland DAO committee members saw 99.9% of voting power attributed to whales, with 94.85% of proposal voting power allocated to voting for the proposal not to pass.

Yes No Invalid question/options
Scores 168338.243827 1.394610e+06 0.025206
Score Differences 166209.638630 1.392896e+06 0.000000

This is clearly a case of large holders voting to support their own interests. Once whales are filtered out of the votes (which would’ve given existing and future committee members set terms, making the roles more democratic) the proposal would’ve passed, albeit, with very low voting power by comparison.

Curve Finance#

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xa11d4d1 0.998352 2.609730e+07 False Yes Yes
0xa4fb747 0.997837 7.183114e+03 False 当然 当然
0xad241d0 0.995149 1.352219e+05 True >80% <10%
0xdaae7dd 0.993704 2.424709e+03 False Oui Oui
0xc943136 0.992488 2.089668e+03 False 看好 看好
0x73c09f5 0.992488 2.089666e+03 False 可以 可以
0xd946d40 0.992450 2.056291e+03 False
0xf18e081 0.992417 2.027366e+03 True 不会
0x745856d 0.992091 2.131107e+04 False Sure, I am diamond hand Sure, I am diamond hand
0x8752a03 0.991968 2.161588e+03 False YES YES
0xaec626e 0.991251 1.727484e+03 True NO YES
0xb593cb7 0.991085 2.047203e+03 False $10 $10
0x603ed38 0.984330 9.928802e+02 False 肯定能 肯定能
0x9b3a6f1 0.981493 2.454873e+03 False
0x92d6266 0.974904 6.251078e+02 False
0xd783873 0.974524 6.161943e+02 True 不可以 可以
0x188d497 0.973865 5.816601e+02 False Oui Oui
0xaaa4b6e 0.972309 2.093886e+03 True 2023 2022
0x3b2d049 0.969262 4.878137e+02 False OUI OUI
0x4ebcc4c 0.969262 4.878144e+02 True NO YES
0xb2af26b 0.966962 2.412777e+04 False Ethereum Ethereum
0xe05a4b5 0.965784 6.060706e+04 False 支持快照所有链的CRV 支持快照所有链的CRV
0xae4e9c1 0.965548 6.035077e+04 True YES, SURE NO
0xf688ed7 0.965533 6.062828e+04 False
0x88f1092 0.965520 6.040548e+04 False 需要 需要
0xfcde35b 0.964759 1.458902e+03 False Oui Oui
0xb860247 0.963223 4.741172e+05 False Yes Yes
0x21fe7a5 0.961437 6.060871e+04 False 恐怕不行 恐怕不行
0x7ee9158 0.960088 4.321611e+02 True 不可观 可观
0xad8f1ed 0.953952 6.108420e+04 False Ça ira Ça ira
0x6d653f4 0.951021 3.175141e+02 True Abstain For
0xd4b0b42 0.944290 2.078225e+03 False 不会 不会
0x00de907 0.940571 2.198443e+03 True 5-8 8-10
0x0eb23ea 0.930798 5.745539e+05 True No Yes
0xfa72434 0.927886 2.596708e+03 False YES YES
0xdbc9fc2 0.923875 6.312840e+04 False YES YES
0x73dd902 0.923575 2.238066e+03 False 可以 可以
0xe2f1068 0.909635 1.708698e+01 False Mercato in rialzo Mercato in rialzo
0xdd6b509 0.909623 1.710269e+01 False 头像类没有想象空间,会长期如此 头像类没有想象空间,会长期如此
0xf039dc0 0.908306 1.093152e+05 False NO NO
0x2148e6a 0.874788 2.293003e+03 False 不满意 不满意
0xa4cad05 0.871223 1.217254e+02 False 满意 满意
0x7e202dc 0.863767 1.143509e+02 False 需要 需要
0xa66aaa7 0.862335 6.781295e+04 False
0x1e82a99 0.862315 6.781525e+04 False
0x83d3226 0.861089 1.104419e+02 False YES YES
0x7d87093 0.847132 1.079791e+02 False yes yes
0x5118297 0.821726 1.314136e+04 False 拉盘 拉盘
0xfa37c53 0.799224 2.434862e+03 True 不会
0x6529d73 0.799223 2.434858e+03 False Non Non
0xeb4d67f 0.798118 2.437403e+03 False yes yes
0x4477c56 0.795307 1.971935e+01 False yes yes
QmfCbWBLY 0.795307 1.971947e+01 False yes yes
0x6b07f51 0.785765 3.541661e+03 False 是的 是的
0x5ba2a21 0.772659 2.633271e+03 False 10%-30% 10%-30%
0x08a72b7 0.770092 2.526968e+03 False NO NO
0x9ffe207 0.752772 2.713534e+03 True no care yes
0xe6cce57 0.746569 2.585855e+03 False YES YES
0x97ae5c4 0.733667 2.697689e+03 False 是的 是的
0x43c689e 0.718463 4.272657e+06 False 2Pool + current 3Pool + 4Pool 2Pool + current 3Pool + 4Pool
0xe7743b0 0.701814 9.127614e+03 False 继续持有 继续持有
0x6b35c4f 0.700429 3.973025e+03 False
0x6380932 0.696229 2.590357e+03 True YES NO
0x3dbcf83 0.682441 1.977966e+04 False ETH ETH
0x4e54b47 0.654269 3.067548e+03 False For For
0x591379b 0.650378 4.665160e+02 False 支持 支持
0x903e7d6 0.636629 5.311451e+03 False yes yes
0xf29dd4b 0.629509 3.081174e+03 False 不会 不会
0x4a16199 0.623521 1.190239e+03 False 是的 是的
0xd395553 0.595172 1.671419e+05 False Yes Yes
0x377d464 0.589513 2.615240e+01 False Oui Oui
0x93cf3af 0.572669 1.141553e+03 True no
0x46e9d65 0.569959 1.048495e+03 False YES YES
0x845aadd 0.557003 4.995840e+03 False
0x1e7363f 0.540879 5.144902e+03 False 应该降低 应该降低
0x15fae2f 0.510138 2.116388e+04 False Yes Yes
0xeb6bc58 0.504918 4.095006e+03 True Oui non
0x9f5f687 0.504871 3.078590e+01 True SURE NOT YET
0x38b70ed 0.502913 4.814844e+03 False Yes Yes
0x2917727 0.489861 4.957475e+03 False For For
0xad25c0c 0.469576 1.242926e+05 True no yes
0x25cc158 0.453655 8.222452e+03 False pas d'accord pas d'accord
0xb9d87bd 0.421065 3.239812e+05 False YES YES
0x25a91d1 0.346192 3.958703e+04 False yes yes
0x14cfc26 0.288670 7.066127e+03 False For For
0x026a69e 0.274424 6.893078e+03 False yes yes

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

20.93% of Curve Finance's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

One proposal which would’ve passed if not for whale intervention was this proposal to add the XSTUSD-3CRV pair to Curve’s gauge controller to accrue CRV for liquidity providers of XSTUSD-3CRV.

XSTUSD is a stablecoin deployed on Polkadot and Kusama that’s backed by a synthetic token called XOR (Sora’s native token). The governance discussion about the vote was particularly interesting.

What stands out is XSTUSD’s comparison with LUNA/UST. This proposal was created before the LUNA/UST depegging disaster, but even before that, quite a few people had their concerns about it. So I checked out the first 16 accounts which showed really strong support for this proposal, and almost every single one was created within 2 days of the proposal’s forum post. Clear signs of governance forum shenanigans, executed to raise hype for a proposal.

Yes No
Scores 45352.592228 529201.282019
Score Differences 23462.994316 511330.472493

Just over 4% of voting power for this proposal was allocated by whales to vote “Yes” (which is just over half the total voting power allocated to the “Yes” choice for this proposal), whereas ~89% of whale voting power was allocated to voting “NO” (~97% of total voting power for this choice).

It’s important to highlight that whales are also sensible and not always “evil”, which I would classify as entities that promote proposals that are detrimental to the DAO for their own interests. It’s a good thing that CRV whales didn’t have an incentive to pass this proposal as well.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x3ff8024 0.999397 4.301595e+05 False Yes Yes
QmVypVPUP 0.927434 1.962803e+06 False For For
QmbpshrWc 0.751147 1.291031e+06 False Unpause swapping Unpause swapping
0xe9158c0 0.632033 7.565920e+05 False Yes Yes
0x704025e 0.624782 4.946306e+06 False For For
0x16400b2 0.621619 4.971479e+06 False For For
0x646e927 0.605303 6.163640e+06 False Yes Yes
QmepPgXwo 0.551155 2.012627e+05 True Nay Aye
QmW64iqHQ 0.539397 8.865300e+05 False For For
0xf95b0e0 0.483829 4.133690e+06 False For For
0x4c289dd 0.409756 5.415718e+04 True Yes No
bafkreia4 0.383388 6.922975e+06 False For For

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

16.67% of Radicle's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

One such proposal was the one to distribute RAD remaining following a Liquidity Bootsrapping (LBP) round conducted in February ‘21. This leftover RAD was proposed to be redistributed to participants of the LBP, i.e. people who bought RAD in this period from the Balancer LBP for RAD tokens.

Aye Nay
Scores 78136.278442 123126.401817
Score Differences 20708.270722 90218.650933

Just over 10% of whale voting power for this proposal was allocated to voting “Aye” on this proposal (~27% of voting power allocated to the “Aye” choice came from whales). Whereas ~45% of voting power from whales was allocated to the “Nay” choice (~73% of whale voting power allocated to “Nay”).


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x44711d0 0.999678 9.749282e+06 False YES YES
0x8a9aecd 0.999631 9.143112e+06 False YES YES
0xc6655f1 0.999620 1.196768e+07 False Yes - Proceed with TD Yes - Proceed with TD
0x643408b 0.999597 9.300537e+06 False YES YES
0xc32ebb4 0.999539 8.099869e+06 False YES YES
0x43aa826 0.999534 1.121580e+07 False YES YES
0x63e139b 0.999432 9.095121e+06 False Yes Yes
0x08bc5d6 0.999431 1.270002e+07 False Yes Yes
0x35010ae 0.999387 1.054562e+07 False Yes, fund MMM Season 16 Yes, fund MMM Season 16
0x7827fdf 0.999377 6.707042e+06 False FOR FOR
0xc630934 0.999376 9.190938e+06 False For For
0x9747242 0.999371 9.099896e+06 False YES YES
0x6e2ce09 0.999353 8.272843e+06 False YES YES
0x555f90d 0.999351 1.091496e+07 False Yes Yes
0x3c66d92 0.999344 8.678124e+06 False FOR FOR
0xbe39c34 0.999341 1.153564e+07 False Yes Yes
0xf185198 0.999340 1.237349e+07 False YES - Fund FDD S17 budget YES - Fund FDD S17 budget
0xb39cf2f 0.999319 1.207440e+07 False Yes, fund MMM in S17 Yes, fund MMM in S17
0x6f9c5c8 0.999297 1.103608e+07 False Yes Yes
0x56c27b3 0.999290 1.206502e+07 False Yes Yes
0xa94a8e1 0.999285 1.137574e+07 True No Yes
0xf8a7f4c 0.999265 8.027376e+06 True FOR GR14 Struct & AGNST New Elig FOR GR14 Struct & FOR New Elig
0xbd3d16c 0.999265 1.162329e+07 False Yes, fund PGF in S17 Yes, fund PGF in S17
0xc49ae9a 0.999233 6.186337e+06 False Yes, fund FDD season 16 Yes, fund FDD season 16
0x8a80159 0.999200 8.326353e+06 False Yes Yes
0x0eb45cf 0.999194 4.575608e+06 False FOR FOR
0xecc9736 0.999176 1.221641e+07 False FOR FOR
0x7125530 0.998980 8.208169e+06 False Yes - Ratify the changes Yes - Ratify the changes
0xd87e0ae 0.998964 8.198446e+06 False Yes - Fund Passport budget Yes - Fund Passport budget
0xb154305 0.998948 9.279563e+06 True OPTION 2 - $330,000 OPTION 1 - $390,000
0x64bc572 0.998886 3.917098e+06 False FOR GR15 Structure FOR GR15 Structure
0x41c47d0 0.998841 3.778400e+06 False FOR FOR
0xd7e430b 0.998779 9.170830e+06 False Yes Yes
0xe0c6d91 0.998695 3.402737e+06 False FOR FOR
0x82cf332 0.998692 1.126438e+07 False AGAINST (deny the new workstream AGAINST (deny the new workstream
0x79e8ca9 0.998629 3.691382e+06 False FOR FOR
0x77b9cfe 0.998525 6.990016e+06 True Against For
0x6f1fa6b 0.998465 5.882941e+06 False Yes, fund the gtcETH Pools Yes, fund the gtcETH Pools
0x332237c 0.998128 2.978421e+06 False EVO - Operations EVO - Operations
0xa6fa6ca 0.998128 6.269640e+06 False Fund MMM as requested Fund MMM as requested
0x68899d0 0.997978 8.132303e+06 True AGAIINST FOR
0x6a7500e 0.997853 5.241431e+06 False Fund MSC as requested Fund MSC as requested
0x3fdc245 0.997692 5.426552e+06 True No: do not compensate them Yes: compensate eligible users
0x54a5344 0.997682 6.910683e+06 False 5,000 GTC 5,000 GTC
0xd65bb1c 0.997507 5.275979e+06 False Yes - Send 127k GTC to dGTC Yes - Send 127k GTC to dGTC
0xaf6b1e2 0.997471 5.452189e+06 False Yes, I support the proposal Yes, I support the proposal
0xa4dd852 0.997412 5.484994e+06 False For For
0xe74f2dd 0.996722 4.232405e+06 False Yes, I support the proposal Yes, I support the proposal
0x97a2ed0 0.996720 8.224920e+06 False FOR FOR
0x6acb83e 0.996666 8.493994e+06 False Yes, approve! Yes, approve!
0x2ccad33 0.996152 7.908027e+06 False Single Pool Experiment Single Pool Experiment
0x6cf2d1e 0.996140 4.020559e+06 False Fund dCompass as requested Fund dCompass as requested
0x5784ba6 0.996057 6.232586e+06 False Approve Approve
0x29eaaff 0.995877 3.358610e+06 False Yes, I support the proposal Yes, I support the proposal
0xa7f5df0 0.995550 1.341530e+06 False FOR: Repeat main pool w 2.5% cap FOR: Repeat main pool w 2.5% cap
0x265fe70 0.995276 3.758521e+06 False Yes, fund FDD with 76.5k GTC Yes, fund FDD with 76.5k GTC
QmQTMLG8q 0.994952 3.620808e+06 False Ratify & DO NOT pay fraud tax Ratify & DO NOT pay fraud tax
0x93d3373 0.994208 3.352599e+06 False Fund FDD as requested Fund FDD as requested
QmZbt14YZ 0.993338 2.384878e+06 False For For
QmUMKpGM6 0.993085 2.533639e+06 False Yes, Approve! Yes, Approve!
QmSRTDaRc 0.993018 2.436659e+06 False Option 1: Ratify breakdown Option 1: Ratify breakdown
0x230bcb7 0.992967 2.508159e+06 False Yes, create dCompass Yes, create dCompass
QmUq5WsYE 0.991188 2.753675e+06 False FOR FOR
QmZYrZKBa 0.990899 3.245365e+06 False Transfer 40k GTC to Transfer 40k GTC to
QmchtUum2 0.989351 3.022026e+06 False "Yes" 41,300 GTC to DCGTC "Yes" 41,300 GTC to DCGTC
QmSYVGy8K 0.981414 1.620160e+06 False "Yes" 40k GTC to Moonshot "Yes" 40k GTC to Moonshot
QmQWucgbu 0.980528 1.824826e+06 False Yes - Allocate 45,000 GTC Yes - Allocate 45,000 GTC
QmY7yvzid 0.980496 1.987333e+06 False Option 1 - Allocate 20K GTC Option 1 - Allocate 20K GTC
QmQe6fHVD 0.979212 2.293000e+06 False Option 1 Option 1
QmdLNbbE4 0.974003 1.868719e+06 False FOR FOR
QmSXwJCKp 0.972823 1.054066e+06 True No 👎 Yes 👍
QmZTskr6y 0.972589 2.025613e+06 False Yes $50k to fund GTCDAO building Yes $50k to fund GTCDAO building
QmeGrN1bx 0.972426 1.327852e+06 False Yes Yes
Qmf8du3yf 0.968475 1.577847e+06 True No, I don't support oneGTC Yes, I support oneGTC
QmRbuBUX7 0.963367 2.208175e+06 False Proposed breakdown Proposed breakdown
QmUoBpLsM 0.963081 3.233282e+06 True Liquidate 100% of AKITA for ETH Sell 10% of AKITA, Stream 90%
QmaNNqMPX 0.947662 1.681791e+06 False Yes, transfer LP to GTC timelock Yes, transfer LP to GTC timelock
Qmcr1T1EZ 0.940208 1.260847e+06 False Yes, begin standards creation Yes, begin standards creation
QmR1mSZaQ 0.938702 1.328415e+06 False Stream: duration of 2 years Stream: duration of 2 years
QmZeogNXZ 0.918996 1.151099e+06 False Support Support
Qmd5Lmq1Z 0.904576 1.191039e+06 False Against Against
QmaPNPYLC 0.877532 5.911266e+04 True 拒绝 同意
QmeLMJpaV 0.874000 5.868602e+05 False Pineapple Pizza for the win Pineapple Pizza for the win
QmSGhHLTc 0.839422 6.768985e+05 False I support all of above I support all of above
Qmf6hFhnn 0.809041 4.859597e+05 True No Yes, add a page with widget
QmSWmxbFx 0.673505 2.280618e+05 False Yes 好 Yes 好
0x4efcc74 0.665095 4.372964e+04 False Gitcoin is working hard Gitcoin is working hard
0xf206afb 0.602727 3.555509e+04 False yes yes

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

12.50% of Gitcoin's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x93a1390 0.994556 4.152027e+05 False YES YES
0x0991c38 0.993948 4.270865e+05 False Yes, by 3PM EST 25th Nov 22 Yes, by 3PM EST 25th Nov 22
0x432e4d3 0.987322 4.008211e+05 False Claims and self-delegate $SAFE Claims and self-delegate $SAFE
0x9da517e 0.979825 3.709000e+05 False Implement this change Implement this change
0xdbd34a5 0.979729 1.085214e+05 False YES YES
0x40874e4 0.964052 5.743725e+05 False YES -Implement the changes YES -Implement the changes
0x5b72a41 0.963143 5.740418e+05 False Yes Yes
0xe91b62c 0.961527 3.840210e+05 False NO NO
0x39151cd 0.949969 6.689393e+05 False Yes Yes
0x65a56c2 0.945281 3.669608e+04 False Yes (Fund eGP 6) Yes (Fund eGP 6)
0x8c7957f 0.944661 4.701618e+05 False Yes Yes
0xed0cfd4 0.943877 1.679252e+04 False Yes Yes
0x189c40f 0.936616 8.758991e+05 False Yes - Approve Yes - Approve
0xebff925 0.936247 1.401948e+04 False Yes Yes
0x44f3b0f 0.936010 8.764659e+05 True No - Do not update FRAX IRM Yes - Update FRAX IRM
0xaa7cf37 0.933143 3.535022e+04 False Yes Yes
0x8d246ca 0.929271 3.004293e+04 False Yes Yes
0x35146ea 0.926604 2.706807e+04 False Yes Yes
0x31db795 0.922248 1.235779e+04 False Yes Yes
0x551f9e6 0.919941 4.722648e+05 False Update EUL distribution Update EUL distribution
0xb4b98f7 0.915805 3.827971e+05 True NO - Do not approve eIP 38 YES - Approve eIP 38
0xe4dbd72 0.913589 3.722241e+05 False Implement this scheduling Implement this scheduling
0xbdea407 0.909351 3.739588e+05 False Promote LUSD w/ these parameters Promote LUSD w/ these parameters
0x3f5fdde 0.908852 7.151853e+05 False Yes - Withdraw STG from the rese Yes - Withdraw STG from the rese
0x8aeb25a 0.908698 9.028098e+05 False Yes - Update LSD IRMs Yes - Update LSD IRMs
bafkreigt 0.900323 2.190655e+04 False Yes Yes
0x52bfe20 0.895994 1.360997e+06 False Yes - Approve Yes - Approve
0xef1c55d 0.894521 4.162001e+05 False Implement by 13 Dec 3pm EST Implement by 13 Dec 3pm EST
0x8721e87 0.885637 4.888240e+05 False Abstain Abstain
0x8f04631 0.877591 1.405273e+05 True Yes No
0xbbb2c3f 0.871130 1.571002e+04 False Yes Yes
0x3e72636 0.868269 5.256335e+05 True Yes: deploy Euler to BNB Chain No: make no changes
0x16a790d 0.861215 2.552750e+04 False Yes Yes
0xe16545b 0.856475 3.887103e+05 False YES - Implement changes YES - Implement changes
0xdfb86aa 0.851187 3.979754e+05 False Yes, implement this change. Yes, implement this change.
0x145d78e 0.851053 1.367914e+04 False YES YES
0x4e973ce 0.848291 5.010669e+05 False Raise the Snapshot quorum to 50k Raise the Snapshot quorum to 50k
0x4761ad8 0.844914 5.856080e+05 True Abstain No: Make no changes.
0xfd577b9 0.842591 1.423028e+04 False Yes Yes
0xeb9b8a9 0.839268 4.036275e+05 True NO - Do Nothing YES - Implement the Changes
0x3635964 0.837219 3.976503e+05 False Yes - make rETH collateral Yes - make rETH collateral
0xe40ab49 0.761502 2.098301e+05 True Abstain NO - Do not allocate
0x526a71c 0.742391 5.084302e+04 True No Yes
0xc39ab69 0.733129 4.458349e+04 False Yes - Fund this grant Yes - Fund this grant
0xe7c406f 0.673674 8.378643e+04 False YES - Increase Borrow Factors YES - Increase Borrow Factors
0xfbc2bdb 0.669848 1.081692e+05 False Implement changes proposed Implement changes proposed
0xa41a3b0 0.669678 1.119431e+05 False YES-Convert FTT by 19/01 4PM EST YES-Convert FTT by 19/01 4PM EST
0x7e65ffa 0.605510 2.814804e+05 False YES - change the distribution YES - change the distribution
0xdaa5c4b 0.569751 5.626910e+03 False Yes Yes
0x3b4b7e7 0.554538 6.380071e+04 False Yes Yes
0x76fb289 0.542182 6.886941e+04 False YES - Approve Grant Request YES - Approve Grant Request
0x4129f05 0.519698 1.057247e+05 False YES - implement the changes YES - implement the changes
0x4b6126b 0.409033 2.235918e+04 False Yes Yes

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

15.09% of Euler's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xa24c991 0.911661 2.266455e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0xc7d4eb1 0.898677 2.119328e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x7155b39 0.891847 2.120120e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x3cbd502 0.888188 2.444278e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x2d77246 0.884413 2.471702e+08 False Approve Approve
0x5e348d3 0.876182 2.545753e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x3a4f32b 0.876123 2.444973e+08 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x3719083 0.872143 2.331051e+08 False Approve OBRA Approve OBRA
0x23b65a4 0.845524 4.751992e+07 False Yes, approve Yes, approve
0x24c3f73 0.825484 2.210429e+08 False Yes, update the Uniswap adapters Yes, update the Uniswap adapters

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

0.00% of Gearbox's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xf84ed27 0.580322 6.061394e+06 False Yes Yes
0xd84b09a 0.552082 6.329435e+06 False Yes Yes
0x40b7d0e 0.531639 1.639030e+06 False Yes Yes
0xc9fa170 0.529507 1.650444e+07 False Yes Yes
0x63b7fbb 0.507906 6.957953e+06 False Yes Yes
0x1d64af4 0.501453 7.271877e+06 False Yes Yes
0x5a51391 0.488250 7.337768e+06 False Yes Yes
0xa73cb65 0.470866 6.704130e+06 False Yes Yes
0x8d3c065 0.466561 1.313154e+07 False Yes Yes
0x0b75ed2 0.465688 5.746038e+06 False Yes Yes
0x2508702 0.457431 5.261610e+06 False Yes Yes
0x1763d23 0.453317 8.044046e+06 False Yes Yes
0x46461bc 0.448403 7.181424e+06 False Yes Yes
0x60745f1 0.434386 8.483730e+06 False Yes Yes
0x1787f5d 0.427301 5.011283e+06 False Yes Yes
0x5c46e4d 0.414785 7.243145e+06 False Yes Yes

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

0.00% of SuperRare DAO's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xdf8dbd4 0.990016 1.319066e+07 False For For
0x8131ad6 0.988627 1.214940e+07 False Yes Yes
0x6b51364 0.986493 1.355622e+07 False Yes Yes
0x77dfa74 0.986203 1.356527e+07 False Yes Yes
0xf1bf932 0.986168 1.356350e+07 False Yes Yes
0x6873b06 0.986155 1.097978e+07 False For For
0x29c0205 0.984798 1.198519e+07 False Yes Yes
0x15937d8 0.984153 1.056193e+07 False Yes Yes
0xaa5d0ac 0.982945 9.891047e+06 False For For
bafkreigy 0.982840 1.230943e+07 True No Yes
0x3e81e95 0.982176 9.760726e+06 False Yes Yes
0x8dee191 0.981994 8.687809e+06 False For For
bafkreid2 0.980578 8.536331e+06 False Yes Yes
0x3274272 0.980140 6.700165e+06 False For For
bafkreibb 0.975413 1.247628e+07 False Yes Yes
bafkreifo 0.960753 8.276589e+06 False Yes Yes
bafkreicl 0.959179 6.714150e+06 False For For
0x5ed7346 0.956643 1.415446e+07 False Yes - Authorize Hop Foundation Yes - Authorize Hop Foundation
0xd8dfe98 0.953260 1.420469e+07 False Yes - Deploy a HOP bridge Yes - Deploy a HOP bridge
0x3df21f6 0.952876 6.303571e+06 False Yes - Deploy a HOP bridge Yes - Deploy a HOP bridge
0x603f0f6 0.947185 1.429579e+07 False Yes - Adopt the mission statemen Yes - Adopt the mission statemen
bafkreihv 0.936266 4.459925e+06 False Yes Yes
bafkreic3 0.866190 7.125023e+06 False For For
bafkreihi 0.851591 9.003253e+06 False For For

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

4.17% of Hop's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x6f20051 0.980853 4.262598e+07 False yes yes
QmU5Ku31d 0.902504 3.055583e+09 False Yes, commission the NFTs Yes, commission the NFTs
QmZhiDLFX 0.833699 2.277809e+09 False Yes, launch NFT auctions Yes, launch NFT auctions
0x2f14983 0.815436 8.065378e+08 True no yes
0x04ec684 0.804727 8.626524e+07 False yes yes
0x2c3a786 0.753776 3.241814e+09 False Diversify Diversify
QmahuLsSu 0.751152 3.803228e+09 False Design 3 Design 3
0x8b2f168 0.749019 3.238020e+08 True Yes, launch the index Abstain
0x55723c4 0.742123 2.542658e+09 False Yes approve new JPEG boost Yes approve new JPEG boost
0x1b099f5 0.717871 3.491613e+08 True yes no
bafkreihd 0.709964 2.363689e+09 False Remove deposit fees Remove deposit fees
0x9ea28f5 0.695198 2.693522e+09 False Yes Yes
bafkreibv 0.694372 4.354831e+09 False Yes enable pETH borrowing Yes enable pETH borrowing
bafkreiev 0.692118 2.424079e+09 False Add Doodles Add Doodles
bafkreigf 0.690976 3.730456e+09 False Yes authorize veCRV bribes Yes authorize veCRV bribes
bafkreihc 0.686093 4.640046e+09 False Authorize DAO Authorize DAO
bafkreiac 0.681444 5.636676e+09 False Yes. Offer free insurance. Yes. Offer free insurance.
0x452d44a 0.674629 3.289604e+09 False Yes enable JPEG LTV boost Yes enable JPEG LTV boost
bafkreiem 0.653208 2.569426e+09 False Implement Punk Trait Multiplier Implement Punk Trait Multiplier
0x31d3517 0.639521 2.860513e+09 False Yes Yes
0xa83e8a3 0.620489 1.157935e+08 False No No
0x7bdb01d 0.591758 9.392267e+08 False yes yes
0xd68fd85 0.582523 1.401333e+09 False Yes Yes
0xe9ac0e9 0.577629 7.155875e+08 True no yes
0xf1df891 0.573307 3.291369e+09 False Yes Yes
QmaTbT5Br 0.562769 4.432926e+09 False Yes authorize up to $15m CVX. Yes authorize up to $15m CVX.
0xec0ef9e 0.561243 2.468512e+09 False Support Support
0x43983b0 0.552810 2.026389e+09 False No No
0xf5f4569 0.535826 3.000190e+09 False Accept this proposal Accept this proposal
bafkreiaj 0.526497 5.438990e+09 False Yes authorize up to $15m. Yes authorize up to $15m.
0x8f2f513 0.524384 2.943279e+09 False Yes, Enable staking and airdrop Yes, Enable staking and airdrop
bafkreifb 0.522123 4.480022e+09 False Yes vote 100% on pETH gauge Yes vote 100% on pETH gauge
0xb8a3eca 0.497502 4.126358e+09 False For For
0x8eb4f04 0.497117 1.840830e+09 False Accept this proposal Accept this proposal
0x103fdd3 0.487092 1.541569e+09 False Yes launch the index Yes launch the index
0x98a890c 0.486323 3.004328e+09 False Support Subsidizing JPEG-pETH Support Subsidizing JPEG-pETH
0x5cfa59b 0.483359 3.914539e+09 False Yes approve PIP Yes approve PIP
bafkreibw 0.477312 5.066019e+09 False Yes remove fees Yes remove fees
0x7d80f77 0.471879 3.337571e+09 False Yes - add support Yes - add support
bafkreihi 0.469616 3.070628e+09 False Yes Yes
bafkreicq 0.457358 3.061497e+09 False Yes Yes
0xa0ae290 0.422897 2.688742e+09 False Yes, enable BAYC traits Boost Yes, enable BAYC traits Boost
0xcbe086a 0.418084 3.346360e+09 False no no
0xd9dc4fe 0.415669 2.779636e+09 False Set Debt Ceiling to 2469 pETH Set Debt Ceiling to 2469 pETH
bafkreibc 0.404101 3.426069e+09 False Yes add collections Yes add collections
bafkreigy 0.403021 3.084989e+09 False Yes increase base TVL Yes increase base TVL
bafkreibw 0.400393 3.457796e+09 False Yes launch bonds Yes launch bonds
bafkreick 0.398210 2.465479e+09 False Yes Authorize the budget Yes Authorize the budget
bafkreida 0.391640 3.174632e+09 False Yes increase cigarette boost Yes increase cigarette boost
0xaa6a177 0.381108 2.395368e+09 False Yes, allow team. Yes, allow team.
0x9ee968a 0.345234 2.001095e+09 False Against Against
bafkreihj 0.341538 1.217826e+09 False Yes launch CVX bonds Yes launch CVX bonds
0xd061787 0.331523 2.931509e+09 False Support Support
0x0800198 0.330340 2.367932e+09 False Yes implement tiered vaults Yes implement tiered vaults
0x20e3d10 0.327731 2.648948e+09 False Yes, launch JPEG Index Yes, launch JPEG Index

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

7.27% of JPEG’d's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

Merit Circle#

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xd155513 0.701893 4.135070e+06 False No No
QmQkG8aWr 0.693401 5.812888e+06 False Yes Yes
0x0915881 0.664194 4.153706e+06 False No No
0xb304e09 0.625963 1.184047e+07 False Yes Yes
0xc5d25c7 0.619293 3.233531e+06 False MC/ETH MC/ETH
0x1466420 0.611997 6.576268e+06 False Yes Yes
0xf06600b 0.609372 5.918585e+06 False Yes Yes
0xbd4b35e 0.597107 8.199661e+06 False MC/USDC MC/USDC
0x732345c 0.594546 6.370837e+06 False Yes Yes
QmT71tWtT 0.592031 5.932188e+06 False Yes, with clause Yes, with clause
0x2927e0a 0.590119 6.123841e+06 False Yes Yes
0x20f45fa 0.588765 6.717105e+06 False Yes Yes
QmanW7dTy 0.573289 5.651846e+06 False Yes Yes
0x98ce918 0.569722 5.274294e+06 False No No
0x412aa19 0.567492 7.593664e+06 False Yes Yes
0xec08b6f 0.561837 5.388914e+06 False Yes Yes
0x3542e2c 0.539303 7.187220e+06 False Yes Yes
0x4e20025 0.533138 5.957648e+06 False Yes Yes
0x82bda0c 0.512506 3.795175e+06 False Yes Yes
0x64a669a 0.507373 4.441823e+06 False 48 months 48 months
QmYVB6JAu 0.488554 3.442413e+06 False Uniswap v2 Uniswap v2
0x45b5387 0.477794 3.082149e+06 False Yes Yes
QmcZfm6yt 0.444433 4.376475e+06 False Yes Yes
0xae27e76 0.438073 4.110631e+06 False Yes Yes
0x4972826 0.370973 2.814769e+06 False Yes Yes
0xb77d293 0.358561 2.635321e+06 False Yes Yes

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

0.00% of Merit Circle's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x1dcc158 0.845668 1.086557e+07 False Fund Completed Work/Bounties Fund Completed Work/Bounties
0x9e71af4 0.829492 7.556619e+06 False Yes. Implement Strategy Yes. Implement Strategy
0x1ea93e1 0.821143 1.052393e+07 False A A
0x2ab8f9e 0.812639 1.474443e+07 False Yes, agree to 25/25/25/25 split Yes, agree to 25/25/25/25 split
0x2d9a7ec 0.810330 1.459242e+07 False Yes. Form and fund the CTT. Yes. Form and fund the CTT.
0xe95a5ed 0.809063 1.267284e+07 False Keep spillover turned off Keep spillover turned off
0x0a5979a 0.805901 1.346150e+07 True Yes. Launch Round 2 parcel roll No. Wait until the great battle.
0x6fd66b3 0.804271 1.378177e+07 False YES Fund 4.5k ghst partnership YES Fund 4.5k ghst partnership
0x0f8ae0b 0.803015 1.604231e+07 False Yes, turn off the GHST Curve Yes, turn off the GHST Curve
0x1399095 0.802998 1.025068e+07 False Yes. Vote for vQi-Qi Yes. Vote for vQi-Qi
0x1db8308 0.800414 1.175213e+07 False Do something else Do something else
0x5a0a08b 0.796708 1.741921e+07 True Yes. Fund the Forge Team. No. Do Not Fund the Forge Team.
0x0e51eab 0.792168 1.290773e+07 False Yes, fund the competition Yes, fund the competition
0xa0822fa 0.791717 1.318666e+07 False Yes, do it. Yes, do it.
0x1338064 0.791642 1.691898e+07 False Yes. Transfer Parcels/alchemica Yes. Transfer Parcels/alchemica
0xda5dc03 0.789643 1.586067e+07 False Yes, secure $4M for liquidity Yes, secure $4M for liquidity
0x16f6d40 0.787757 1.487486e+07 False Yes, Fund the experience Yes, Fund the experience
0x5705526 0.787251 1.686189e+07 False Add 50k GHST + equal alchemica Add 50k GHST + equal alchemica
0x23655a0 0.782410 1.418741e+07 False Yes. Fund and implement geodes. Yes. Fund and implement geodes.
0xfecb010 0.782053 1.725993e+07 False yes, fund 25'000 GHST yes, fund 25'000 GHST
0xd32d9f4 0.780687 1.474219e+07 False Fund Gotchi Lodge 2023 Fund Gotchi Lodge 2023
0x1f84e11 0.778487 1.215175e+07 False Require weighted voting Require weighted voting
0xfd80fb6 0.778167 1.451675e+07 False Option 1 + Accept revenue split. Option 1 + Accept revenue split.
0x08e86b4 0.773896 1.585762e+07 False Another way (new prop required) Another way (new prop required)
0x4fcf6ce 0.769565 1.350503e+07 False Agree with the pre-curve plan Agree with the pre-curve plan
0x120a44d 0.767307 1.243877e+07 False Yes. Increase USDC remove MATIC. Yes. Increase USDC remove MATIC.
0x0ad57c0 0.766353 1.233056e+07 False Sunset FRENS immediately Sunset FRENS immediately
0x35f3317 0.762038 1.583765e+07 False Yes, launch the Aavegotchi Forge Yes, launch the Aavegotchi Forge
0x378153f 0.760312 1.903546e+07 True Yes. Launch Round 2 parcel roll No. Wait until the great battle.
0x711c79d 0.758433 1.498413e+07 False Yes. Fund the Project 50k GHST Yes. Fund the Project 50k GHST
0x1930189 0.758127 1.866236e+07 False Yes. Accept the Core Framework. Yes. Accept the Core Framework.
0xdae48a9 0.755850 1.920116e+07 False Yes, agree to 25/25/25/25 split Yes, agree to 25/25/25/25 split
0x628d199 0.754647 1.439559e+07 False For For
0x93f3e0f 0.754213 1.853660e+07 False Yes. Form and fund the CTT. Yes. Form and fund the CTT.
0xf83adaa 0.753339 1.414073e+07 False Yes. Accept the Core Framework. Yes. Accept the Core Framework.
0x6cabf77 0.752596 1.916901e+07 False Yes close the GHST Curve Yes close the GHST Curve
0x4c43e12 0.752317 1.835749e+07 False Fund Gotchi Lodge 2023 Fund Gotchi Lodge 2023
0x8754ab7 0.749510 1.259960e+07 True Do nothing Option 1
0x49a21a5 0.748431 1.543329e+07 False Yes, follow this Emergency Plan Yes, follow this Emergency Plan
0x69f0ac4 0.746357 1.845643e+07 False YES, fund 4.5k GHST partnership YES, fund 4.5k GHST partnership
0xfb622fe 0.744468 1.899749e+07 False Yes, fund the experience Yes, fund the experience
0x4141053 0.740650 1.258750e+07 False Yes, formally start RF Szn 4 Yes, formally start RF Szn 4
0x8940393 0.739786 1.263160e+07 False implement original KIN mechanics implement original KIN mechanics
0xe79c963 0.739728 1.497934e+07 False Yes. Accept the proposed SOP. Yes. Accept the proposed SOP.
0xa749417 0.739424 1.766668e+07 False Fund Completed Work/Bounties Fund Completed Work/Bounties
0x0083cbe 0.734638 1.317606e+07 False Delay the LAND 3 release Delay the LAND 3 release
0x8802a88 0.729245 1.793698e+07 False Yes, fund the competition Yes, fund the competition
0x0e2211f 0.728909 1.634496e+07 False Create the ATF Create the ATF
0x5f3b6ff 0.725702 1.786815e+07 True Mori#5912 Nofuturistic#1972
0x4d23c87 0.724443 1.411857e+07 True No Yes
0xe9bddee 0.723178 1.582622e+07 False Yes, stop new wearables Yes, stop new wearables
0x5436b92 0.723035 1.537425e+07 False 5% Aalloy burn; 5% Aalloy to DAO 5% Aalloy burn; 5% Aalloy to DAO
0x0961e22 0.722591 1.333074e+07 False Yes, perform a swap of 1.75M DAI Yes, perform a swap of 1.75M DAI
0xac0a208 0.722311 1.518188e+07 False Use the Hybrid Ratio Use the Hybrid Ratio
0xcae8227 0.718789 1.718468e+07 False Require Weighted Voting Require Weighted Voting
0xf9dafc8 0.714499 1.341286e+07 False Yes, use the proposed model Yes, use the proposed model
0x1237685 0.712453 1.718854e+07 False Create the ATF Create the ATF
0xd610a03 0.709341 1.755739e+07 False Yes, use the proposed model Yes, use the proposed model
0x7713389 0.706933 1.538110e+07 False Change to proposed aaltar rates Change to proposed aaltar rates
0x0ba9fdf 0.706566 1.448898e+07 False Use GLTR to Move Channeling Use GLTR to Move Channeling
0x599754e 0.705587 1.749907e+07 False Yes, Change the Recipes Yes, Change the Recipes
0xdf007c7 0.705096 1.445701e+07 False Continue with outcome of AGIP49 Continue with outcome of AGIP49
0x68dc76a 0.703868 1.719672e+07 False Yes. Vote for vQi-Qi Yes. Vote for vQi-Qi
0x2ddd04a 0.703622 1.756595e+07 False Yes, formally start RF Szn 4 Yes, formally start RF Szn 4
0xe9ceb07 0.703066 1.719286e+07 False Yes, perform a swap of 1.75M DAI Yes, perform a swap of 1.75M DAI
0xf614634 0.703048 1.704044e+07 False Yes, delay LAND 3 Release Yes, delay LAND 3 Release
0x9ea87c0 0.701161 1.640270e+07 False Yes, have S5 RF Yes, have S5 RF
0xa9fb5cb 0.699905 1.342294e+07 False YES, let's form AavegotchiDAO YES, let's form AavegotchiDAO
0x68d7186 0.695071 1.466744e+07 False Yes, Change the Recipes Yes, Change the Recipes
0xfb3766f 0.687883 1.933429e+07 True Do not implement Implement orig kinship mechanics
0x1b8438e 0.687058 1.934264e+07 False Yanik#0015 Yanik#0015
0x84119ec 0.686705 1.982175e+07 False Yes, have S5 RF Yes, have S5 RF
0x11f3f56 0.681187 1.730282e+07 False Disable spillover Disable spillover
0x345ddec 0.678038 1.911325e+07 False YES, let's form the Foundation! YES, let's form the Foundation!
0x2e8ca84 0.677414 9.327355e+06 False Yes. Transfer Parcels/alchemica Yes. Transfer Parcels/alchemica
0x534f443 0.677376 1.658902e+07 False Change to Proposed Aaltar Rates Change to Proposed Aaltar Rates
0x9923aab 0.672512 1.856131e+07 False Yes, do it. Yes, do it.
0xec282bd 0.671818 1.858512e+07 False Yes, stop new wearables Yes, stop new wearables
0xb58136c 0.663281 9.180043e+06 False Stop owner channel listed gotchi Stop owner channel listed gotchi
0x3f162f9 0.658444 1.232194e+07 False Yes, fund the Project 50k GHST Yes, fund the Project 50k GHST
0x73f93b7 0.657149 1.253322e+07 False Yes, follow this Emergency Plan Yes, follow this Emergency Plan
0x8d17ac8 0.650706 1.153104e+07 False Limit market to # of parcels + 1 Limit market to # of parcels + 1
0x667b862 0.649926 9.750123e+06 False Do nothing and keep current syst Do nothing and keep current syst
0x4955553 0.648553 1.210780e+07 False Yes, create new sets Yes, create new sets
0xfa99468 0.638887 1.173120e+07 False Stop listed Gotchi from channeli Stop listed Gotchi from channeli
0x84f361a 0.637458 1.292270e+07 False Add 50k GHST + equal alchemica Add 50k GHST + equal alchemica
0x5a2dc2a 0.627621 1.063859e+07 False Yes, Airdrop Potion Yes, Airdrop Potion
0x5e4b482 0.620493 7.334665e+06 False Yes, fund the taskforce Yes, fund the taskforce
0x8285f38 0.576125 5.974093e+06 False Revote Revote
0xc6622d0 0.541666 4.414655e+06 False Yes, Implement Strategy Yes, Implement Strategy
0x59c0013 0.537511 4.448751e+06 False Yes, Fund 27,500 DAI Yes, Fund 27,500 DAI
0x9b2559e 0.534680 1.214988e+07 False Limit market to # of parcels + 1 Limit market to # of parcels + 1
0x9d8fa69 0.533595 1.217450e+07 False Sunset FRENS immediately Sunset FRENS immediately
0x304df06 0.533467 1.217745e+07 False Yes. Increase USDC remove MATIC. Yes. Increase USDC remove MATIC.
0xb41fe70 0.524215 1.188240e+07 False Keep the current solution Keep the current solution
0x60e907e 0.522180 6.519650e+06 False Do Nothing Do Nothing
0x50be144 0.515304 6.208336e+06 False Create the ATF Create the ATF
0x02a20a7 0.493634 5.214360e+06 False YES! Let players pick. YES! Let players pick.

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

7.14% of Aavegotchi's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0xa95d98a 0.823478 19612.908172 False No objection No objection
0x87e9189 0.787806 15575.916427 False No objection No objection
0x74bf937 0.756495 16243.977807 False No objection No objection
0x0b3ad00 0.734236 16736.431371 False No objection No objection
0xcf296f7 0.733281 22067.657107 False No objection No objection
0x44e5b1c 0.700316 19669.863695 False No objection No objection
0x68f5e4c 0.684806 20115.343064 False No objection No objection
0x5715c13 0.650868 18414.550127 False No objection No objection
0x5ab5397 0.641678 19590.509500 False No objection No objection
0x1db7082 0.638384 19656.245248 False No objection No objection
0x1cdaeee 0.638017 13806.802874 False No objection No objection
0x83e51ce 0.601932 29491.112801 False No objection No objection
0x3b6774f 0.589756 5952.021783 False No objection No objection
0x7c7ee0c 0.583637 7143.225111 False No objection No objection
QmWwtAJA3 0.545631 27817.592684 False No objection No objection
0x7c2a823 0.470901 7335.535272 False No objection No objection
0xf5824d2 0.470851 16073.397397 False No objection No objection
0xef419ad 0.469556 37789.954753 False No objection No objection
Qmcz7uCQm 0.462780 32797.753691 False No objection No objection
Qmd7bLee9 0.461524 47044.437426 False No objection No objection
0x523ea38 0.452169 16737.486588 False No objection No objection
0x36737cb 0.438103 40503.047967 False No objection No objection
0x3f1c55b 0.436361 32546.501622 False No objection No objection
0xed78ca5 0.435719 80336.227750 False No objection No objection
QmPiaGZMs 0.425909 32819.909218 False No objection No objection
0x563e883 0.422484 37916.522429 True No objection Object
0x621d2c8 0.420429 48129.071236 False No Objection No Objection
0x742ab15 0.417217 5547.441026 False No objection No objection
0xdc62394 0.369192 9356.417790 False No objection No objection
0xfec2dc6 0.358489 46106.241859 False No objection No objection
0x78a62a7 0.356457 56766.594397 True Object No Objection
0x7ab201d 0.339338 8474.164037 False No objection No objection
QmPejeYnj 0.335358 39763.309494 False No objection No objection
0x2c6ad65 0.333682 15150.233357 False No objection No objection
0xe3ef0fb 0.321232 5086.045166 False No objection No objection
0xfd05c73 0.314897 4970.543431 False No objection No objection
0x828df6a 0.235036 15709.022352 False No objection No objection

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

5.41% of Rook's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

ApeCoin DAO#

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x7e43228 0.990179 6.256527e+05 False I confirm this is a test vote. I confirm this is a test vote.
0x8e360c0 0.981936 4.379614e+06 False In Favor In Favor
0xfe0e75a 0.980226 1.659834e+06 False Against Against
0x5840047 0.973400 1.550751e+06 False In favor In favor
0x564cd76 0.971424 1.286369e+06 False Against Against
0x6ed3c09 0.971044 2.076817e+06 False In favor In favor
0xf9d857c 0.968874 2.008295e+06 True Against In favor
0x5d449bd 0.967873 1.009663e+06 False In favor In favor
0xbff08fe 0.965701 4.219239e+05 False In favor In favor
0x27c3987 0.963415 2.726180e+06 False In favor In favor
0xf37d7cd 0.961695 1.317353e+06 False In favor In favor
0x4fd913f 0.959452 1.652688e+06 False Against Against
0xe5a9380 0.959441 1.571965e+06 False In favor In favor
0x41e6ad5 0.950320 9.867625e+05 False In favor In favor
0xbaf7244 0.946063 9.725028e+05 False In favor In favor
0x01cef6a 0.942583 1.360279e+06 False In favor In favor
0xe56f210 0.941583 5.741309e+06 True Against In favor
0x5329238 0.940700 5.672065e+06 False Against Against
0x680732b 0.938742 1.403693e+06 False Against Against
0xde21896 0.937455 1.838237e+06 False Against Against
0xcb00a0d 0.935425 3.298483e+06 True Against In favor
0x6001e54 0.925658 2.251170e+06 False Against Against
0x706977b 0.921958 4.523201e+06 True Against In favor
0x95f6759 0.918375 5.136202e+06 False Against Against
0xeeadabe 0.915746 5.220499e+06 False Against Against
0xaa19861 0.915468 2.372477e+06 False In favor In favor
0x6be2b90 0.912665 2.311975e+06 False Against Against
0xfd084ff 0.912657 4.203606e+06 False In favor In favor
0xff55dc0 0.907535 4.353632e+06 False In favor In favor
0x724b9ff 0.906799 2.841070e+06 False In favor In favor
0xdf2315b 0.902051 6.082078e+06 True Against In favor
0xad108a2 0.895375 1.163938e+06 False Against Against
0x5222214 0.888311 4.660788e+06 False WebSlinger WebSlinger
0xe044322 0.883213 5.908821e+05 False In favor In favor
0x6fe2ce5 0.879135 7.870868e+05 False In favor In favor
0x43f00cf 0.876839 3.571919e+06 False In favor In favor
0xb3db31a 0.874900 3.855822e+06 False In favor In favor
0x837d842 0.864583 3.304516e+06 False Against Against
0x6af4373 0.862378 5.175564e+06 False In favor In favor
0x538c493 0.856531 2.417049e+06 False Against Against
0x2758b25 0.852632 4.904874e+06 False In favor In favor
0x60145f6 0.848819 1.231582e+06 False In favor In favor
0x96c835f 0.845459 2.018025e+06 False Against Against
0xc9401e8 0.835794 6.460863e+06 False In favor In favor
0x8406217 0.830570 6.237507e+06 False In favor In favor
0x4167832 0.826638 1.313514e+06 False In favor In favor
0xeb7f420 0.819976 1.106652e+07 True Against In favor
0x5b49518 0.812843 2.904306e+06 False In favor In favor
0xfb1787b 0.798779 2.734010e+06 False Against Against
0xd1f8c8c 0.783842 3.888917e+06 False In favor In favor
0x9a4b8fb 0.780864 3.929616e+06 False In favor In favor
0x815d74c 0.769096 2.550246e+06 False In favor In favor
0x2485aa5 0.767899 1.058330e+07 False Against Against
0xc008354 0.766792 4.592843e+06 False In favor In favor
0x367eeca 0.764945 7.168023e+06 False In favor In favor
0x4a069f6 0.758740 3.079938e+06 False Against Against
0x0bef405 0.751414 6.082668e+06 False In favor In favor
0x34d2e9b 0.747455 6.133428e+06 False Against Against
0x60259de 0.682636 6.776431e+06 False In favor In favor
0xcf4d719 0.668198 5.850441e+06 False In favor In favor
0xa24dab4 0.665186 5.851915e+06 False In favor In favor
0x0fb1d66 0.656165 2.264243e+07 True BoredApeG Gerry
0x0a80806 0.652674 4.987553e+06 False In favor In favor
0x79ae5f9 0.640293 1.913044e+07 True veratheape Gerry
0xf0a7649 0.589881 1.490340e+07 False In favor In favor
0xabaa0f5 0.586938 2.061024e+07 False Against Against
0x01e3c33 0.582419 1.505590e+07 False In favor In favor
0x8b6287d 0.581712 1.543426e+07 False In favor In favor
0x9e7c6f1 0.574838 1.967061e+07 False Against Against

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

11.59% of ApeCoin DAO's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

Klima DAO#

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x930b600 0.996920 504433.644339 False For For
0xa2d8bd4 0.996727 474787.421434 False For: split fee 80/20 For: split fee 80/20
0xa50ab29 0.987467 425434.738707 False For For
0x8e4ef40 0.980098 750178.179232 False For For
QmZUSGcMq 0.840598 9264.591987 False 48 hours 48 hours
0xd358805 0.727192 195233.769979 False For: Build NCT liquidity For: Build NCT liquidity
0xe69c1cc 0.699951 335036.922800 False For: Reduce AKR to 20% For: Reduce AKR to 20%
0x23ad839 0.680467 52686.991299 False For: Reduce rate to match actual For: Reduce rate to match actual
0xe9de3ba 0.677817 236863.094312 False For: Bolster UBO & NBO liquidity For: Bolster UBO & NBO liquidity
0x9df154d 0.676759 40020.017732 False YES: I agree, create the program YES: I agree, create the program
0x2ae3fce 0.663135 124452.357235 False For: clean up HFC-23 credits For: clean up HFC-23 credits
0xb6eb87e 0.648505 82923.686414 False For: Add MCO2 Bonds For: Add MCO2 Bonds
0xbe5ba88 0.647190 74272.836616 False Accept the Reward Framework Accept the Reward Framework
0x5544825 0.624344 54015.460984 False Introduce wsKLIMA/gOHM bonds Introduce wsKLIMA/gOHM bonds
0x7359c09 0.619185 70059.481479 False For For
0xa63e839 0.606848 99999.485128 False Adopt and Increase to 30% Adopt and Increase to 30%
0x8841e5e 0.603193 94978.744872 False For Proposal For Proposal
0xc84e955 0.595234 97372.203374 False For Proposal For Proposal
0xfede607 0.594485 76696.939504 False Yea: Accept C3 as an Ally Yea: Accept C3 as an Ally
0xee393ab 0.583331 77541.476863 False Option 1 Option 1
0x3918360 0.579341 125735.010825 False For Proposal For Proposal
0xcc99da7 0.573597 67046.384614 False For For
0xc8e25eb 0.566710 120833.178893 False For: delegate inclusions For: delegate inclusions
0x4b57eab 0.565975 136991.606579 False For: whitelist Aave & Curve For: whitelist Aave & Curve
0xa72601f 0.557952 133593.222803 False Allow for Inverse Bonds Allow for Inverse Bonds
0x918abd2 0.553488 175283.734511 False For: dissolve For: dissolve
QmTvD4PzB 0.550331 64722.401415 False For: Add BCT Bonds For: Add BCT Bonds
0xf6c26e1 0.549575 89971.317766 False Yea: Deepen Klima/USDC Pool Yea: Deepen Klima/USDC Pool
0xb6f70f8 0.547444 70055.175638 False Allow for TCO2 conversions Allow for TCO2 conversions
0x5518f64 0.546137 216897.326968 False For Proposal For Proposal
0xb81487a 0.530491 113643.855324 False Reduce BCT/USDC LP Reduce BCT/USDC LP
0x10b6a15 0.509925 84808.729973 False For: allocate For: allocate
0xfb993e0 0.460379 206372.980934 False For: Ratify New Framework For: Ratify New Framework

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

0.00% of Klima DAO's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.

Hector Network#

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x55918aa 0.740052 100942.001096 True No Yes
0xf61dfa6 0.735902 111331.738215 False Yes Yes
0x37de6bd 0.731288 121959.039539 False Illuvium Illuvium
0x74b62bc 0.728766 107968.121715 False Yes Yes
0x6ec98d7 0.716335 77377.042178 False Yes Yes
0xc4e6334 0.714887 125301.767306 False Yes Yes
0x4475e8a 0.712459 131082.049927 False Yes Yes
0x205c78d 0.712411 97912.273004 False Yes Yes
0x754a389 0.695676 192498.291501 False NO NO
0x32aebd2 0.679733 201794.480237 False Yes Yes
0x702b022 0.668822 121375.480268 False Yes Yes
0x7bcf970 0.639238 21892.340031 False Yes! Yes!
0x444c3ae 0.629598 142589.716153 True NO YES
0xd644cd9 0.602049 50597.362947 False Yes Yes
0x220cd36 0.601347 46927.849490 False Yes Yes
0xc07ff32 0.595398 39461.333409 False Yess Yess
0x127ca2e 0.589370 60121.720824 False Travala Travala
0xaa8e8f2 0.567859 35850.237183 False Yes, 10M USDC and 10M DAI Yes, 10M USDC and 10M DAI
0xc274077 0.565856 95353.950759 False Yes Yes
0x718b84d 0.564870 38227.060972 False Yes Yes
0xf60e687 0.554887 40722.106769 False Yes Yes
0x86d06cc 0.553219 42592.736151 False Yes Yes
0x66be549 0.550804 208358.571458 True ETH MATIC
0xbef6eb9 0.546675 173442.729105 False USDH - $USDH USDH - $USDH
0x387ac00 0.534998 22440.104822 False Project HOPE Project HOPE
0x90f4fb6 0.534833 55489.990172 False Remove SpiritSwap LP Remove SpiritSwap LP
0x42674e9 0.524616 35321.182821 False Yes Yes
0x93095bb 0.522852 140303.549922 False Yes Yes
0xf7980a0 0.521363 198029.898003 False Dynamic APY from 200-1500% Dynamic APY from 200-1500%
0x0138ee0 0.521121 128537.068531 False Yes Yes
0x8050845 0.513576 74178.907612 False Yes Yes
0xa5a8d94 0.510443 65047.514369 False Yes Yes
0x67ee373 0.505648 131133.997638 False BOO BOO
0xe4d61e3 0.501281 34113.458337 False Yes Yes
0xf755777 0.496331 93014.174655 False MATIC MATIC
0xea4e969 0.495701 67224.664286 False Yes Yes
0x26ce993 0.494457 121063.528672 False Yes - reduce to 10,000% Yes - reduce to 10,000%
0x0d7ece3 0.494354 64142.375038 False Warm-up period of 3 rebases Warm-up period of 3 rebases
0xb8ab7dc 0.488916 22178.371374 False MIM MIM
0xfa62aef 0.488013 135941.132508 False Yes Yes
0x75b9f1e 0.485571 71918.465513 False BOO BOO
0xa530872 0.483916 55692.868210 False Yes Yes
0xaac07ac 0.476569 52422.439848 False Yes Yes
0x4bc224f 0.476521 47419.058316 False Yes Yes
0xe9d84ae 0.476178 91783.496143 False CRV CRV
0x7bee6a7 0.474639 121545.995346 False Hector Finance Hector Finance
0xbf93f34 0.472875 153725.413249 False TOR TOR
0x2dedb31 0.472149 81358.051865 False Yes Yes
0xcdf92ad 0.471673 22714.948428 False Childhood Leukemia Foundation Childhood Leukemia Foundation
0x9d10eb3 0.467028 72085.640670 False FTM FTM
0x801b46b 0.463690 35354.755092 False Agree with the deal with Rari Agree with the deal with Rari
0x7c19621 0.461657 149845.817318 False Yes Yes
0x91526f1 0.457705 73828.038428 False Remove Warmup Remove Warmup
0x205e7d1 0.451031 86127.574046 False Yes Yes
0x95cf8d8 0.446677 119503.455596 False Yes Yes
0xb261b0e 0.437363 112160.841699 False Yes Yes
0x38ca4ad 0.432176 37360.828620 False Yes Yes
0xeae961c 0.431707 56257.597814 False YES YES
0x8f323c7 0.429524 66938.220026 False A. APY 20%, 50% @emission launch A. APY 20%, 50% @emission launch
0xb5d0ffd 0.425329 32576.747961 False Yes Yes
0x85dfa19 0.418286 119441.781099 False 3 weeks 3 weeks
0x2195f92 0.413472 22284.054392 False Yes Yes
0x7cb25c7 0.410429 33759.437595 False Yes Yes
0xf1c86cf 0.395280 35007.157666 False Yes Yes
0x6bfce29 0.387319 70655.610868 False Approve Separation Approve Separation
0x5691b6e 0.385792 35009.047856 False Yes Yes
0xebd59bf 0.371077 98928.555662 False Option 1 Option 1
0xddb21b3 0.360722 38360.897144 False Yes Yes
0x499c7f3 0.337037 130440.649365 True Approve additional Investment Don't Approve

Proportion of Outcomes Changed#

5.80% of Hector Network's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.


Filtered Proposals Analysis#

whale_vp_proportion total_vp outcome_changed outcome_old outcome_new
Proposal ID
0x4a478d3 0.999585 5.153223e+05 False Restructure as outlined Restructure as outlined
0x02ada85 0.987708 3.364918e+05 False add VRR and halt redemption add VRR and halt redemption
0xd22f9ab 0.902557 1.218759e+06 True agree with this term and proceed re-evaluate the term
0x128bc73 0.817738 2.568059e+05 False For Unvested Token Swap For Unvested Token Swap
0xe36d551 0.810129 1.234371e+06 False Yes, engage Risk DAO Yes, engage Risk DAO
0xec88562 0.663747 3.886962e+04 False For For
0x5887b4d 0.281922 4.341528e+05 False Remove GMX performance fee Remove GMX performance fee
0x938268e 0.078807 2.727852e+05 False For For

Filtered Proposals Analysis#

12.50% of Vesta's proposal outcomes change after filtering out whale voting power.